Saturday, October 8, 2011

Teochew Accents!

Time to hear some accents from around the Teochew world, we'll start with Vietnam and Cambodia. I'm gonna analyze how these individuals speak Teochew and perhaps we can understand some "typical" characteristics of regional Teochew speech (keep in mind some of it may be individual aberrations):

1. Vietnam - Thuan Loi's Gang-hu Dē Demonstration (quite good actually to see a hạose:nāng doing this)

- Any tone 5 (such as 個 gāi) becomes more of a tone 6 (so, 個 gái)
- 杯 bue, sounds more like bui
- 沖茶 chongdē, becomes songdē (this is a very typical change CH -> S for Vietnamese TC speakers)

2. Cambodia - Teochew People Celebrating New Year's Eve (aka Sa:japmē) in Phnom Penh

- (.48) 好就 hòjiụ is a very common connector between sentences, means "and then"
- (4.55) 零顆 lạnglò, meaning "some", very common
- (6.35) 每 mué is pronounced múi
- ang-he meaning "this way"


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