Friday, April 22, 2011

Guiyu, E-waste Epicenter is near Sua:tāo!

Have you heard of Guiyu 貴嶼, e-waste epicenter of the world? Back in 2008 there were lots of reports of this electronic graveyard and environmental disaster site located somewhere in Guangdong, and at the time I found out, to my dismay, that, guess what, it's in Diọjiu (Chaoshan). It's in Sua:tao County, halfway between Póulēng and Diọ-iō: I was aghast! You hear about all sorts of environmental disasters and problems around the world, but you never REALLY think about them until it's in your backyard or affecting people you know.

Does anyone have any information on what is going on in Guiyu in 2011? Has anyone ever been there? I also wonder if the people doing the dismantling are all local Diọsua: people or are there folks from other provinces who come here just to do the work. Questions, questions, questions. Also, what can we do to help? For me, I'm going to try to limit my technology purchases to what I absolutely need, not buying anything just because I want the latest and greatest. Also, the stuff I already have I will try to find a responsible e-waste recycler. Thinking back I have dumped the following: a Compaq Presario (it was a monster), a CRT monitor or two, a flatscreen monitor, 3 or 4 keyboards, 3 or 4 mouses, wires and cables plenty, a NES, SNES (or maybe I sold them), and countless other electronic devices... it's kind scary that I'm typing on a little flat box of poison. 

Check out the stories done of Guiyu back in 2008 from CBS's 60 Minutes and Greenpeace. The one from Greenpeace even has a picture of gang-hudē made from the local Guiyu water which is black. UGH. It was so black I thought it was a teacup cover.

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